Friends season 10

IN The Auction House, there is weekly trivia and auction as well as the raffle. The Silk Road and The Meat Market DO NOT have trivia, but do have an auction. Insert Guild Name Here has no raffle or trivia. Last week we sold 48,445  raffle tickets!

I had a request to give you all my paypal address for those of you who want to donate for the TS server costs. My email is

You can join our Facebook group here:

For The Auction House

Auction – Saturday 10 PM EST.
Trivia & Raffle – Sunday 8 PM EST.
TRIVIA TOPICS THIS WEEK (Picked by @Snowfaeriewings )
Friends (TV SHOW)


Raffle Prizes (shared between all three guilds):
1) 1,000,000 GOLD (Unlocked at 35,000 tickets sold)
2) 500,000 GOLD (Early Bird Prize ONLY)*
4) COMPLETE Dominion Motif Set (14 MOTIFS)
5) COMPLETE Outlaw Motif Set (14 MOTIFS)
6) COMPLETE Pact Motif Set (14 MOTIFS)

*Prize two and three are available only for tickets purchased before THURSDAY because I am tired of spending my entire weekend processing tickets

Send 100 gold per ticket to me – @acsquared – ALL IN ONE MAIL PLEASE. If the mail there is full send to my alt – @accubed OR @acthefourth

Every Saturday night at 10 pm EST is the AUCTION in The Auction House! We auction off items, all for the guild. Much goodness is sold, and many spirits imbibed.

The Silk Road has an auction on Sunday at roughly 2 pm EST. The Meat Market has an auction on Sunday at roughly 5 pm EST. Donations for those auctions should be sent to @Shroudweaver

Every Sunday night is live TRIVIA in The Auction House, starting at 8 pm EST. After the trivia is the RAFFLE, starting at roughly 10 pm EST. Any prizes you can donate for the trivia are appreciated! Donations for the auctions, trivia, and raffle are ALWAYS needed! Please send prizes to me! Nothing is too small

The main raffle starts at roughly Sunday night at 10 pm EST.

Raffle Prize Winners last week – SWAG BAGS:

  1. @Acsquared – 1 million gold – BUG-EATER
  2. @ACcubed – 707,000 – EMBERFALL
    • Necklace of vicious death – 157000
    • Ring of vicious death – 275000
    • Ring of vicious death – 275000
  3. @RaVaGeR216 – 500,000 gold – HFWILLIAMS
  4. @OzzyOman – Big City Living – 347,680 – MOB.7R1GG3R

For that special someone. May you shower them with this Big City Living SWAG BAG. Beautiful jewelry, the finest clothes, the perfect dinner with a lusty finish. Throw it all together with AXE and some treasure hunting and you have a wonderful weekend planned!

  • AD bows motif – 5000
  • AD Chests – 10200
  • AD Daggers – 4000
  • AD Helmets – 7000
  • AD Shoulders – 4500
  • AD Swords – 6900
  • Agility necklace stamina – 29200
  • Ring of willpower robust – 2500
  • Galerion ring arcane – 45000
  • Galerion ring health – 40000
  • Galerion necklace arcane – 24000
  • Galerion battle axe – 20000
  • 25 columbine – 10000
  • Cyrodiil map 7 – 2700
  • Cyrodiil map 12 – 2300
  • 2x fortified nirn – 11000
  • 24 x lusty argonian maid mazte – 480
  • Perfect roe – 9400
  • 200 x rubedo leather – 18000
  • 5x tempering alloy – 35000
  • 10x kuta – 53000
  • 25x elegant lining – 7500
  1. @ilootwhileyousleep – 271,900 – ZHAGUAR
    • Elegant necklace – 97500
    • Elegant ring – 87200
    • Elegant ring – 87200
  2. @acthefourth – 247,000 – CRAZYSONORAN
    • Necklace of the dreugh king slayer – 89000
    • Ring of the dreugh king slayer – 79000
    • Ring of the dreugh king slayer – 79000
  3. @daniel29 – 233,250 – ATEKNA
    • Elegant lining x50 – 15000
    • Fortified nirncrux x3 – 16500
    • Frost mirriam x150 – 18750
    • Grain solvent x50 – 27500
    • Mastic x50 – 10000
    • Kuta x14 – 74200
    • Tempering alloy x10 – 70000
    • Rosin x16 – 40000
    • Rekuta x39 – 7800
    • Namira’s rot x60 – 13500
    • 10000 gold
  4. @wtlonewolf20 – 222,400 – POPTARTJUNIPER
    • 8x dreugh wax – 46400
    • 5x fortified nirn – 27500
    • 10x kuta – 53500
    • 2x perfect roe – 19000
    • 8x tempering alloy – 56000
    • 8x rosin – 20000
  5. @hairywoogit – complete glass motif set – 203,500 – VAD’DI
  • 1 – 9800
  • 2 – 10000
  • 3 – 13200
  • 4 – 13800
  • 5 – 26500
  • 6 – 11400
  • 7 – 14300
  • 8 – 15000
  • 9 – 17700
  • 10 – 10800
  • 11 – 13900
  • 12 – 14400
  • 13 – 18500
  • 14 – 14200
  1. @Frainbog – 176,500 – MAXEH
    • Necklace of willpower – 20000
    • Ring of willpower – 64000
    • Ring of willpower – 64000
    • Truly superb glyph of increase magical harm – 9500
    • Truly superb glyph of increase magical harm – 9500
    • Truly superb glyph of increase magical harm – 9500
  2. @SamuriGamer – 171,396 – INEVERA09
    • 1 banana to start the day because I have no partridge – 11
    • 200 voidbloom to make a nest for the doves – 7000
    • 300 poultry because cornel sanders got there first – 1800
    • 400 rough nightwood to make a cage for the birds – 10400
    • 5 golden kuta – 26500
    • 6 dreugh wax a laying – 34800
    • 7 tempering alloy a sinking – 49000
    • 8 thousand gold to appease the maids – 8000
    • 9 blue recipes to make your lady dance – 2570
      1. Grapes and ashyam falafel recipe – 225
      2. Honest lassie honey tea recipe – 125
      3. Late summer corn slaw recipe – 420
      4. Mistral banana bunny hash recipe – 275
      5. Port hunding pinot noir recipe – 175
      6. Wide eye double rye recipe – 175
      7. Sweet horker stew recipe – 450
      8. Savory mid year preserves recipe – 350
      9. Crows nest rye recipe – 550
    • 10 maps awaiting your leap to find them – 4415
      1. Bal foyen map 2 – 200
      2. Bleakrock map 2 – 150
      3. Craglorn map 2 – 300
      4. Craglorn map 4 – 400
      5. Craglorn map 6 – 250
      6. Orsinium map 3 – 1900
      7. Reapers marsh 2 – 225
      8. Rivenspire map 1 – 270
      9. Rivenspire map 4 – 250
      10. Stormhaven map 3 – 200
    • 1100 ta, because only pipers know what they’re for – 3300
    • 12 purple glyphs rum a tum tum I love a purple drum – 23600
      1. Truly superb glyph of poison – 2400
      2. Truly superb glyph of poison – 2400
      3. Truly superb glyph of poison – 2400
      4. Truly superb glyph of poison – 2400
      5. Truly superb glyph of health – 1700
      6. Truly superb glyph of health – 1700
      7. Truly superb glyph of health – 1700
      8. Truly superb glyph of health – 1700
      9. Truly superb glyph of stamina – 1800
      10. Truly superb glyph of stamina – 1800
      11. Truly superb glyph of stamina – 1800
      12. Truly superb glyph of stamina – 1800
  1. @armchairchamp – 153,400 – CHANCEBOUDREAUX
    • Necklace of willpower (arcane) – 20000
    • Necklace of willpower (arcane) – 20000
    • Ring of willpower (arcane) – 63000
    • Ring of willpower (healthy) – 7750
    • Ring of Agility (healthy) – 40000
    • Ring of endurance (healthy) – 2650
  2. @EleaE – One of each, please – 151,750 – CHUKERS
    • Argentum x10 – 90
    • Auric tusk x10 – 4700
    • Azure plasm x10 – 1000
    • Bone x10 – 40
    • Cassiterite x10 – 520
    • Charcoal of remorse x10 – 3700
    • Daedra heart x10 – 2500
    • Dragon scute x10 – 33000
    • Dwemer frame x10 – 5500
    • Eagle feather x10 – 22000
    • Fine chalk x10 – 9800
    • Flint x10 – 40
    • Goldscale x10 – 7400
    • Lion fang x10 – 25000
    • Malachite x10 – 4600
    • Manganese x10 – 50
    • Molybdenum x10 – 60
    • Moonstone x10 – 60
    • Nickel x10 – 40
    • Palladium x10 – 440
    • Polished shilling x10 – 3750
    • Potash x10 – 2000
    • Rogue’s soot x10 – 900
    • Starmetal x10 – 60
    • Adamantite x10 – 50
    • Copper x10 – 300
    • Corundum x10 – 30
    • Laurel x10 – 2750
    • Tainted blood x10 – 21260
    • Obsidian x10 – 50
  3. @dashiel20 – 151,000 – DIGITALT
    • Repora x7 – 4900
    • Rekuta x20 – 4000
    • Kuta x7 – 35000
    • Hakiejo x7 – 105000
    • Itade x7 – 2100
  4. @acsquared – 150,000 – pact mercenary contract – STANKY5989
  5. @EleaE – 150,000 – DURNIK
    • Kuta x5 – 27000
    • Perfect roe x5 – 46500
    • Dreugh wax x5 – 29000
    • Rosin x5 – 12500
    • Tempering alloy x5 – 35000
  6. @nrquinn – 149,800 – ENLIGHTENED1
  • Ring of the Skirmisher – 20000
  • Ring of the Skirmisher – 20000
  • Necklace of the Skirmisher – 16000
  • Fortified Nirncrux x2 – 11000
  • Tempering Alloy x4 – 28000
  • Rosin x8 – 20000
  • Dreugh Wax x6 – 34800
  1. @karmar2008 – 129,950 – ONIGAR
    • Superb glyph in CP 150 green – Magicka x100 – 21300
    • Superb glyph in CP 150 green – Health x50 – 8900
    • Superb glyph in CP 150 green – Stamina x50 – 7950
    • Superb glyph in CP 150 blue – Magicka x50 – 22250
    • Superb glyph in CP 150 blue – Crushing x50 – 28300
    • Superb glyph in CP 150 blue – decrease health x50 – 22500
    • Superb glyph in CP 150 blue – weakening x50 – 18750
  2. @angrylaw – 128,300 – UNHOLYREICHENBACH
    • Withered tree inn venison pot roast x40 – 2000
    • Lusty argonian maid mazte x40 – 800
    • Essence of spell power x40 – 3600
    • Essence pf health x100 – 15000
    • Grand soul gem x50 – 2450
    • Grand repair kit x50 – 7800
    • Nirnrootx50 – 4250
    • Rekuta x20 – 4000
    • Kuta x10 – 53000
    • Worm x200 – 4000
    • Raw ancestor silk x200 – 15000
    • Rough ruby ash x200 – 4400
    • Rubedite ore x200 – 12000
    • Wet sack x1 – priceless
  3. @Odd.Bear – Purple Coup – 125,900 – MOUNTAINMAN2929
    • Necklace of the dreugh king slayer – 32000
    • Ring of the dreugh king slayer – 44000
    • Ring of the dreugh king slayer – 44000
    • Gauntlets of the dreugh king slayer – 3200
    • Sabatons of the dreugh king slayer – 2700
  4. @sortiarius – 110,400 – KARMAR2008
    • 5x kuta – 26500
    • 5x tempering alloy – 35000
    • 5x rosin – 12500
    • 5x dreugh wax – 29000
    • 10x grain solvent – 5400
    • 10x rekuta – 2000
  5. @Vandercat – 103,000 – SORTIARIUS
    • Dreugh wax x5 – 29000
    • Rosin x5 – 12500
    • Tempering alloy x5 – 35000
    • Kuta x5 – 26500
  6. @Earthdancer – 103,000 – HIYDE
    • Dreugh wax x5 – 29000
    • Kuta x5 – 26500
    • Rosin x5 – 12500
    • Tempering alloy x5 – 35000
  7. @mob.7r1gg3r – 97,000 – DREFAN601
    • Psijic ambrosia recipe – 46000
    • Bervez juice x20 – 500
    • Frost mirriam x20 – 2500
    • Perfect roe x5 – 48000
  8. @Dedder – 94,750 – EXPERIENCE THE SWAG – FUZZYOLDGUY64
    • Psijic ambrosia recipe – 46000
    • Perfect roe x5 – 48000
    • Frist mirriam x5 – 625
    • Bervez juice x5 – 125
  9. @ImNOTyourfriend – 92,400 – SCOTCHYMCBINGE
    • Ring of the knightmare – 13800
    • Ring of the knightmare – 13800
    • Necklace of the knightmare – 11800
    • Kuta x10 – 53000
  10. @KittenofDooom – 84,400 – PRETTYPONY
    • Psijic ambrosia pot x20 – 52000
    • Orzorga’s smoked bear haunch x12 – 32400
  11. @biankha – 4x truly superb glyph of prismatic defense – 84,000 – ANNAWHO
  12. @snowfaeriewings – 84,000 – BOBAFETTISH21
    • 8 CP 160 gold glyphs of your choosing (not prismatic) – 64000
    • CP 160 legendary prismatic glyph
  13. @cyberbodhi – 81,500 – MYQYL
    • 5x dreugh wax – 29000
    • 5x kuta – 26500
    • 5x psijic ambrosia pots – 13500
    • Rosin x5 – 12500
  14. @Bonnacon – Endurance Package – 80,450 – NYTEFROST
    • Necklace of endurance (healthy) – 1200
    • Ring of endurance (healthy) – 2600
    • Ring of endurance (arcane) – 900
    • Maul of endurance (infused) – 350
    • Restoration staff of endurance (infused) – 750
    • Dagger of endurance (precise) – 950
    • Grain solvent x100 – 55000
    • Lightning staff of agility – 1000
    • Lightning staff of agility – 500
    • Rekuta x80 – 16000
    • Sword of endurance – 950
    • Leki’s battle axe – 250
  15. @maxeh – 15 kuta – 80,000 – BARANOX
  16. @BOOVE – 76,735 – BDOG0420
    • Pancea of weapon crit cp 50 x22 – 330
    • Damage magicka poison 4 x128 – 3200
    • Cloudy gradual ravage health 8 x150 – 750
    • Savagery draining poison 9×158 – 790
    • Barbaric motif – 2800
    • Mercenary swords motif – 1000
    • 10 foot beer x12 – 120
    • Solitude salmon millet soup x50 – 2050
    • Salmon steak supreme x15 – 2100
    • Sweet dune gnocchi recipe – 2250
    • Bitter tea recipe – 60
    • Green salad recipe – 75
    • Darkstride bow – 1500
    • Darkstride jack – 500
    • Darkstride shield – 500
    • Leki’s shield – 500
    • Mace of endurance decisive – 1500
    • Mace of endurance infused – 300
    • Nightwood bow intricate – 250
    • Nightwood lightning staff intricate – 250
    • Nightwood shield intricate – 250
    • Hickory shield intricate – 150
    • Shadowspun hat intricate – 250
    • Rubedo leather arm cops – 300
    • Superb glyph of health – 950
    • Superb glyph of stamina – 950
    • Superb glyph of stamina – 700
    • Trifling glyph of stamina – 350
    • Trifling glyph of stamina – 350
    • Trifling glyph of stamina – 350
    • Truly superb glyph of decrease health – 3900
    • Truly superb glyph of stamina – 8500
    • Truly superb glyph of foulness – 2500
    • Trifling glyph of stamina – 350
    • Trifling glyph of stamina – 350
    • Truly superb glyph of stamina – 1800
    • Dwarven ore x200 – 8000
    • Iron ore x200 – 8000
    • Leather scraps x200 – 3200
    • Raw flax x200 – 4000
    • Raw voidbloom x200 – 7000
    • Rough maple x200 – 4000
  17. @Valkarian14 – 76,500 – CHAOSLEGACY
    • Dreugh wax x5 – 29000
    • Rosix x5 – 12500
    • Tempering alloy x5 – 35000
  18. @Kievve – 76,000 – DEDDER
    • Dreugh wax x5 – 28500
    • Tempering alloy x5 – 35000
    • Rosin x5 – 12500
  19. @snowfaeriewings – 76,000 XP XPert – SMIA
    • Psijic ambrosia recipe – 45000
    • Frost mirriam x20 – 2200
    • Berez juice x20 – 340
    • Perfect roe x3 – 28500
  20. @SweetAxion – 75,000 gold – SAMIRAEL
  21. @SweetAxion – 75,000 gold – TEKNICOLOR
  22. @SecondThoughts – Look what I found in Craglorn! – 73,200 – QUEEN_BEE5
    • 2x fortified nirncrux – 11000
    • Kuta x5 – 26500
    • Raw voidbloom x200 – 6800
    • Rough nightwood x100 – 2600
    • Voidstone ore x400 – 16800
    • Columbine x20 – 8000
    • Grand soul gem x30 – 1500
  23. @prettypony – 73,000 – NORDICTWIZZLER
    • Wet sacks x8 – 12000
    • Perfect roe x6 – 57600
    • Insect parts x200 – 600
    • Guts x200 – 2000
    • Crawlers x200 – 800
  24. @hunnythistle – 71,400 – PACOHASPANTS
    • Jute x200 – 2000
    • Flax x200 – 4000
    • Cotton x200 – 3000
    • Spidersilk x200 – 3000
    • Ebonthread x200 – 4000
    • Kreshfiber x200 – 2000
    • Ironthread x200 – 1400
    • Silverweave x200 – 1600
    • Voidcloth x200 – 1600
    • Ancestor silk x200 – 13000
    • Hemming x100 – 2500
    • Embroidery x50 – 3000
    • Elegant lining x25 – 7500
    • Dreugh wax x4 – 22800
  25. Latinzombie – tempering alloy x10 – 70,000 – MYQYL
  26. @AcclaimZ – 68,545 – WON BY MEL_TORMAY
    • Crows nest rye recipe – 580
    • Jasminkgo tonic recipe – 600
    • Necrome beetle cheese poutine recipe – 625
    • Cheese x100 – 900
    • Coffee x100 – 800
    • Game x100 – 700
    • Ginkgo x200 – 1000
    • Guarana x100 – 600
    • Honey x100 – 800
    • Jasmine x300 – 1800
    • Lemon x100 – 800
    • Potato x100 – 800
    • Rye x100 – 600
    • Seaweed x100 – 700
    • Psijic ambrosia recipe – 46000
    • Bervez juice – 25
    • Frost mirriam – 125
    • Perfect roe – 9600
    • Lillandril tonic tea recipe – 550
    • Jasrana tea tonic recipe – 940
  27. @bizzaromac – 68,500 – WON BY LATINZOMBIE
    • Dreugh wax x5 – 29000
    • Kuta x5 – 27000
    • Rosin x6 – 12500
  28. @sgtwinnie – 25x psijic ambrosia potions – 67,500 – WON BY DANGERGLITZ
    • Perfect roe x4 – 40000
    • Psijic ambrosia potions x10 – 25000
  30. @sgtwinnie – 62,500 – WON BY NAESF
    • 5x truly superb glyph of magicka
    • Truly superb glyph of prismatic defense
  31. @Moosegoat – 62,000 – WON BY SIRNEVIK
    • Essence of health cp150 x200 – 30000
    • Essence of spell power cp150 x200 – 18000
    • Essence of weapon power cp150x200 – 14000
  32. @esotoon – 61,600 – WON BY JUSTLIKEHEAVEN
    • Psijic ambrosia recipe – 46600
    • Orzorga’s smoked bear haunch recipe – 7500
    • Frost mirriam x50 – 6250
    • Bervez juice x50 – 1250
  33. @Galdrill – 60,065 – WON BY DULKER
    • 10x glass fragments – 3110
    • Guts x100 – 900
    • Insect parts x100 – 300
    • Kuta x5 – 26500
    • Malachite shard x20 – 2000
    • Rekuta x15 – 3000
    • Tempering alloy – 7000
    • Raw voidbloom x200 – 7000
    • Pan fried trout recipe – 60
    • Sour gin fizz recipe – 55
    • Sweetberry tonic recipe – 70
    • Tenmar carrot couscous recipe – 70
    • 10,000 gold
  34. @SamuriGamer – 60,013 – WON BY ENLIGHTENED1
    • 1 banana – 10
    • 1 ta – 3
    • 60000 gold
  35. @KSweetness – 60,000 – WON BY ISILDI
    • Oblivion’s Foe set – greatsword – 10000
    • Oblivion’s Foe set – girdle – 10000
    • Oblivion’s Foe set – pauldron – 10000
    • Oblivion’s Foe set – sword – 10000
    • Oblivion’s Foe set – shield – 10000
    • Oblivion’s Foe set – sabatons – 10000
  36. @Ballzdeap – 59,800 – WON BY TJACOBSON78
    • Imperial motif – 44000
    • Abah’s watch axes motif – 14500
    • Hew’s bane treasure map 1 – 1200
    • Potato rice blintzes recipe – 125
    • Kwama egg quiche recipe – 50
    • Winter rose tea recipe – 45
  37. @me.squared – dreugh wax x10 – 58,000 – WON BY VINDKILLIM
  38. @Yezzz – 57,275 – WON BY GOTHICLADY
    • Psijic Ambrosia recipe – 45800
    • Perfect roe – 9600
    • Frost mirriam x10 – 1250
    • Bervez juice x25 – 625
  39. @Odd.Bear – Weed or Pot(s) Galore – 56,500 – WON BY SHADYBOY777
    • Bugloss x100 – 6500
    • Columbine x100 – 40000
    • Dragonthorn x100 – 5000
    • Lorkhane’s tears x100 – 5000
  40. @snowfaeriewings – 56,500 – WON BY PYROMASTER496
    • Malachite shards x10 – 4500
    • Glass motif fragments x40 – 12000
    • Metheric restorative resin x4 – 40000
  41. @Odd.Bear – Odd Bear’s Hot Ass – 56,000 – WON BY WANTSTODANCE
    • Orzorga’s smoked bear haunch recipe – 7500
    • Perfect roe x5 – 47500
    • Tomato x5 – 45
    • White cap x5 – 125
    • Frost mirriam x5 – 625
    • Red meat x5 – 45
  42. @Wantstodance – Wantstodance’s TaTas and Cute Ass – 54,200 – WON BY BIANKHA
    • Ta x200 – 600
    • Ta x200 – 600
    • Kuta x10 – 53000
  43. @Shroudweaver – 54,000 – WON BY TETRIANADR
    • Kuta x10 – 53000
    • Jejota x200 – 1000
  44. @Nytefrost – kuta x10 – 53,000 – WON BY SAMIRAEL
  45. @Nytefrost – kuta x10 – 53,000 – WON BY WORL4125
  46. @Inflamesborn – 52,800 – WON BY THEFALL3NANGEL
    • Thieves axes motif – 5200
    • Thieves staves motif – 6600
    • Thieves gloves motif – 6400
    • Thieves daggers motif – 5500
    • Outlaw helmets motif – 24400
    • Daedric motif – 4700
  47. @Immortal_Dark410 – 52,700 – WON BY KARMAR2008
    • Psijic ambrosia recipe – 46000
    • Psijic ambrosia potion – 2700
    • Pancea of weapon power x50 – 1000
    • Longfin pasty with melon sauce x50 – 3000
  48. @prettypony – 52,200 – WON BY WTLONEWOLF20
    • Cardiac arrest recipe – 12700
    • Direnni hundred-year rabbit bisque recipe – 6600
    • Hello handsome porter recipe – 5200
    • Malath’s hammer recipe – 3200
    • Orcrest agony pale ale recipe – 2900
    • Potentate’s supreme cioppini recipe – 3400
    • Red queen’s eye-opener recipe – 3100
    • Senche-tiger single malt recipe – 3300
    • Tranquility pale ale recipe – 3100
    • Vaermina’s nightmare recipe – 3500
    • Velothi view vintage Malbec recipe – 3500
    • Xanbeer brandy recipe – 5200
  49. @VelmatheGreat – PVP Poisons Kit – 52,050 – WON BY HAIRYWOOGIT
    • Columbine x75 – 30000
    • Wormwood x75 – 3375
    • Cornflower x75 – 6375
    • Spider egg x75 – 1200
    • Blue entoloma x75 – 2400
    • Butterfly wing x75 – 8250
    • Alkahest x75 – 450
  50. @Valen201 – 51,800 – WON BY ROBERT_1999
    • Ta x600 – 1800
    • 50,000 gold
  51. @Sandrockx – 51,500 – WON BY WTLONEWOLF20
    • Truly superb glyph of stamina – 8500
    • Truly superb glyph of prismatic defense – 21500
    • Truly superb glyph of prismatic defense – 21500
  52. @Sortiarius – 50,200 – WON BY HUNNYTHISTLE
    • Superb glyph of weapon damage – 12500
    • Superb glyph of health – 7100
    • Superb glyph of health – 7100
    • Superb glyph of magicka – 8000
    • Superb glyph of magicka – 8000
    • Superb glyph of stamina – 7500
  53. @BerserkLegend – 50,000 gold – WON BY DINENETH
  54. @biankha – 50,000 – WON BY TYRUS182
    • Essence of health tripot x200 – 30000
    • Wizard tree inn venison pot roast x100 – 5000
    • Betnikh map 2 – 200
    • Reapers march map 5 – 500
    • Alik’r map 3 – 250
    • Eastmarch map 2 – 300
    • Grahtwood map 4 – 250
    • Lockpick x200 – 600
    • 15,000 GOLD
  55. @yupitsmeh – 5 piece julianos set – 50,000 – WON BY KIEVVE
  56. @rimzo4sho – 49,800  – WON BY GOTHICLADY
    • Xivkyn helmet motif – 1200
    • Xivkyn staves motif – 1900
    • Pact bows motif – 3900
    • Pact helmets motif – 7300
    • Pact shields motif – 4700
    • Pact staves motif – 5600
    • Pact swords motif – 5200
    • 20,000 gold
  57. @Inevera09 – 48,100 – WON BY PACOHASPANTS
    • Xivkyn chests motif – 1400
    • Dominion gloves motif – 5200
    • Dominion helmets motif – 6300
    • Dominion legs motif – 6000
    • Aba’s watch daggers motif – 17200
    • Thieves guild chests motif – 12000
  58. @sgtwinnie – 48,000 – WON BY NYTEFROST
    • Dhufish x400 – 16000
    • Longfin x200 – 8000
    • Salmin x200 – 8000
    • Silverside perch x200 – 8000
    • Spadetail x200 – 8000
  59. @Uloth – Crafters Treasure – 47,925 – WON BY SHROUDWEAVER
    • Alkahest x25 – 150
    • Butterfly wing x15 – 1500
    • Columbine x10 – 4000
    • Lorkhan’s tears x50 – 2500
    • Mudcrab chitin x15 – 2625
    • Namira’s rot x10 – 2250
    • Terebinthine x50 – 600
    • Denata x50 – 1250
    • Deni x50 – 1750
    • Jejota x200 – 1200
    • Kuta – 5300
    • Makko x50 – 3000
    • Oko x50 – 2000
    • Rekuta x25 – 5000
    • Ta x200 – 600
    • Adamantite x50 – 250
    • Argentum x25 – 200
    • Bone x100 – 500
    • Corundum x50 – 250
    • Flint x50 – 250
    • Fortified nirncrux x2 – 11000
    • Manganese x50 – 250
    • Molybdenum x50 – 250
    • Moonstone x50 – 250
    • Nickel x50 – 250
    • Obsidian x50 – 250
    • Starmetal x50 – 250
  60. @Sortiarius – 47700 – WON BY BALLZDEAP
    • Kuta x9 – 47700
  61. @georgoi123 – value to be determined – WON BY KIEVVE
    • One piece of gold crafted enchanted armor of choice (racial styles only, no nirn)
  62. @MountainMan2929 – MountainMan’s Lump of Bastard Grinch Coal – Priceless – WON BY BIANKHA
    • Charcoal of Remorse
    • 200000 gold
  63. @PacoHasPants – priceless – IGNIS.FULMINEUS
    • Breeches of Oblivion’s Foe – Priceless
    • Psijic ambrosia pots x20 – 54000
    • Fish x25000 – 50000



You won! Attached is your prize! Gratz!

My guild spiel:

The raffle is shared between three guilds. The Auction House, The Silk Road and The Meat Market have the same raffle. This means I need to announce the winning number in one guild, then the other, then the third, and then look up the winner and announce that in all three guilds, and THEN I mail the prize to the winner right away.

Only then do I move on to the next prize.  It is a slow process. Deal with it.

I use to pick the winning tickets numbers. I don’t care if you keep track of your numbers or not. They are all linked on the website, If you have ANY questions, go to It will be answered there.

AGAIN, ALL YOUR QUESTIONS ARE ANSWERED ON THE WEBSITE. After doing this for over TWO years, I am tired of answering the same questions over and over again, and I am not nice to begin with. Press G, go to the website, and if you don’t like it, leave. NOW, ON TO THE RAFFLE.

Make sure you list stuff to sell!   And remember, have fun!


Send me 100 gold per ticket, as many tickets as you want! I will send you your ticket numbers. You don’t have to keep the numbers, I add them all to the spreadsheet here:

I basically send you the numbers for your own peace of mind! I hate when I’m in a raffle and don’t know the numbers I get! The drawing is every Sunday, whenever I’m able to log on! I use to pick the winners! There is one set of numbers for all the prizes. So when you buy a ticket, you’re buying a chance to win every item that’s a prize.
ALL the gold goes to the trader bids and prizes! Our prizes are ALL donations from great guildies or bought by me!
We also now have a Steam community! Check it out here:

The Auction House now has a sister guild, The Silk Road and a brother guild, The Meat Market! We also have a second-cousin twice removed guild, Insert Guild Name Here.

Recruit a friend to the guild, send me their @name, & you get 10 free tickets into the raffle

AND, if you see we don’t have a PVP keep, and claim one for us, you get 10,000 GOLD worth of tickets! That’s 100 tickets! Just mail me and let me know you claimed a keep!

Thanks to all of you, our awesome members who keep donating AMAZING prizes, buying tickets, and being active!
