ESO Auction House Weekly Raffle

Hola! In between house hunting in my new town, I had time to randomly generate our raffle winners!
1) Imperial Motif – #188 – shabeeb
2) Primal Motif – #931 – cryptic0
3) Nirncrux STONE – #269 – vadian
4) Sweetroll Recipe – #1676 – flavius_stilicho
5) 15,000 gold – #1922 – ilimoyo
This weeks prizes (thanks to you awesome guildies for donating them!) are:
1) Imperial Motif
2) Consummate Honey Brittle Recipe
3) 8 Yellow Tempers (wax, resin, alloy)
4) Potent Nirncrux STONE
5) 15,000 Gold
Send 100 gold to me per ticket, as many tickets as you want!
Also, I’d like to find a way to reward people who invite members to the guild, maybe a second contest or prizes? Opinions?

Remember, the raffle is held every Monday. I include all the tickets on this fun little spreedsheet here:

You buy a ticket, your name goes there IN ORDER that I received your gold. I send you your numbers, but you don’t have to keep them! Hence the spreadsheet!

I use to generate the numbers of the raffle prize winners. The number and names of the winners are shared with EVERY guildie who checks their inbox!

Oh, and please do join the Facebook group! There are so few of us in here now!