Friends season 10

IN The Auction House, there is weekly trivia and auction as well as the raffle. The Silk Road and The Meat Market DO NOT have trivia, but do have an auction. Insert Guild Name Here has no raffle or trivia. Last week we sold 38,280  raffle tickets!

I had a request to give you all my paypal address for those of you who want to donate for the TS server costs. My email is sussexcountyangel@live.com

You can join our Facebook group here:

For The Auction House

Auction – Saturday 10 PM EST.
Trivia & Raffle – Sunday 8 PM EST.
TRIVIA TOPICS THIS WEEK (Picked by @Snowfaeriewings )
Friends (TV SHOW)

This week, we are doing SWAG BAGS as our raffle prizes. The concept is simple. I am leaving the raffle prizes this week up to you, our members. Our guilds would not be what they are without you, so for XMAS IN JULY, I’m leaving the presents up to you!

If you would like to donate a SWAG BAG, mail me the package information and prizes. I would like all SWAG BAGS to be worth over 50,000 gold. You may donate whatever you would like as long as it meets that one qualification.

I will keep the contents of the SWAG BAGS secret until the raffle starts on Sunday, then I will reveal which member donated the SWAG BAG and what the SWAG BAG contains! The winners will be chosen in the usual manner!!!



Send 100 gold per ticket to me – @acsquared – ALL IN ONE MAIL PLEASE. If the mail there is full send to my alt – @accubed OR @acthefourth

Every Saturday night at 10 pm EST is the AUCTION in The Auction House! We auction off items, all for the guild. Much goodness is sold, and many spirits imbibed.

The Silk Road has an auction on Sunday at roughly 2 pm EST. The Meat Market has an auction on Sunday at roughly 5 pm EST. Donations for those auctions should be sent to @Shroudweaver

Every Sunday night is live TRIVIA in The Auction House, starting at 8 pm EST. After the trivia is the RAFFLE, starting at roughly 10 pm EST. Any prizes you can donate for the trivia are appreciated! Donations for the auctions, trivia, and raffle are ALWAYS needed! Please send prizes to me! Nothing is too small

The main raffle starts at roughly Sunday night at 10 pm EST.

Raffle Prize Winners last week:
1) 1,000,000 GOLD (Unlocked at 35,000 tickets sold) – GOTHICLADY
2) 500,000 GOLD (Early Bird Prize ONLY)* – NEWGUINEAPIG2
4) COMPLETE Abah’s Watch Motif Set (14 MOTIFS) – DXDJAY
5) COMPLETE Thieves Guild Motif Set (14 MOTIFS) – ALASTRINE
6) COMPLETE Assassins Motif Set (14 MOTIFS) – ELEAE

You won! Attached is your prize! Gratz!

My guild spiel:

The raffle is shared between three guilds. The Auction House, The Silk Road and The Meat Market have the same raffle. This means I need to announce the winning number in one guild, then the other, then the third, and then look up the winner and announce that in all three guilds, and THEN I mail the prize to the winner right away.

Only then do I move on to the next prize.  It is a slow process. Deal with it.

I use Random.org to pick the winning tickets numbers. I don’t care if you keep track of your numbers or not. They are all linked on the website, ESORadio.com. If you have ANY questions, go to ESORadio.com. It will be answered there.

AGAIN, ALL YOUR QUESTIONS ARE ANSWERED ON THE WEBSITE. After doing this for over TWO years, I am tired of answering the same questions over and over again, and I am not nice to begin with. Press G, go to the website, and if you don’t like it, leave. NOW, ON TO THE RAFFLE.

Make sure you list stuff to sell!   And remember, have fun!


Send me 100 gold per ticket, as many tickets as you want! I will send you your ticket numbers. You don’t have to keep the numbers, I add them all to the spreadsheet here:

I basically send you the numbers for your own peace of mind! I hate when I’m in a raffle and don’t know the numbers I get! The drawing is every Sunday, whenever I’m able to log on! I use Random.org to pick the winners! There is one set of numbers for all the prizes. So when you buy a ticket, you’re buying a chance to win every item that’s a prize.
ALL the gold goes to the trader bids and prizes! Our prizes are ALL donations from great guildies or bought by me!
We also now have a Steam community! Check it out here:

The Auction House now has a sister guild, The Silk Road and a brother guild, The Meat Market! We also have a second-cousin twice removed guild, Insert Guild Name Here.

Recruit a friend to the guild, send me their @name, & you get 10 free tickets into the raffle

AND, if you see we don’t have a PVP keep, and claim one for us, you get 10,000 GOLD worth of tickets! That’s 100 tickets! Just mail me and let me know you claimed a keep!

Thanks to all of you, our awesome members who keep donating AMAZING prizes, buying tickets, and being active!
