In which we start a weekly raffle, because prizes are fantastic!

Here is the awesome raffle info for The Auction House:

We have a weekly raffle. It’s 100 gold per entry, and guildies may enter as many times as they want! The raffle helps us get the gold for our guild trader bid. If you want to enter the raffle, send the gold for your tickets to me, @ACsquared and I’ll respond (normally within 24 hours) with your ticket numbers. You don’t have to keep the numbers, as I have a fun spreadsheet right here that tells me all the numbers for the week!

Every week the raffle ends on Sunday night, and the drawing is on Monday. The time varies, based on maintenance, and you DO NOT have to be present to win!  I send a weekly mail that tells everyone the lucky winners and what the prizes for next week are!

This week the raffle prizes are

1) barbaric motif

2) 15,000 gold

3) a yellow glyph of your choosing, crafted by me!